Healthy Mealtime Habits for Your Dog
Happy Easter! If today was full of candy, chocolate, and other goodies for you, that means that there might be plenty left for your pup. Here's an Easter reminder to keep those sweets hidden from your dogs!
But that's not all that's important. It's not only about what your dog does or doesn't eat, but about how they eat, too. Let's go over some healthier mealtime habits for your dog so you can always make sure you're keeping them happy and healthy.
1. No guarding - Don't let your dog guard his food. Train your dog to let food go by removing the food after a few bites, putting it back, then moving it again. This makes them less protective with food and decreases their chances of eating random food off the sidewalk or begging.
2. Feed puppies and adults at different times - If you have a puppy and an adult, separate the puppy so they don't pick up on bad eating habits from your adult dog.
3. Never tease your dog while they're eating - Make sure your kids don't tease your dog while their eating because this can cause problems with your kid and your dog. Your dog may choke, gag, or frustrated enough to lash out.
4. Don't walk your dog right after dinner - Wait at least 15 to 30 minutes after your dog eats dinner to walk them. Dogs take a while to digest, just like us. Deep-chested dogs, especially, are prone to bloating, which can be exacerbated by immediate exercise.
5. Don't give your dog people food - This is pretty obvious. While some table scraps, depending on what they are, are okay for dogs, it's not healthy for your dog to have them all the time. Dogs can't digest the same way we do and therefore shouldn't have our food.
6. Never mix prepared foods - Prepared dog foods are made a certain way and packed with essential calories. Even if you're running low or trying to save money, don't mix foods because this could mess with the nutritional content and caloric value of the food.
7. Don't put your dog's food in plastic - Dogs prefer ceramic, and after that, stainless steal. Plastic bowls are too easy for dogs to chew, and they might accidentally ingest parts of plastic bowls while they eat.
8. Don't over-treat or over-supplement - Too many treats can pack extra pounds on your dog that might not be good for them. Vitamins, while good for you dog, might have an adverse effect if used in excess.
Stick to these tips and your dog will have healthy eating habits and a happy life!
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