
Celeb Pet Feature - Chaplin

Jessica Chastain started her career subtly and has grown quickly into the spotlight. Most known for hits like "Mama", "Zero Dark Thirty", "Interstellar", and "The Martian", the actress has made quite the name for myself.

But of course, behind every success, there's support. And Chastain's support system? Her furry pal named Chaplin. 

Chaplin is a fluffy white mutt who found his way into Chastain's heart. She got him from a rescue organization. The pup's unique quality? He's only got three legs.

Before Chaplin was rescued, he had been hit by a car and lost one of his legs. But that didn't stop Chastain from taking him home. She immediately felt a connection with him and the bond hasn't wavered since.

In terms of his leg? That's nothing! "He plays fetch better than any dog I've had," she told ABC News in an interview. 

Chaplin doesn't shy away from the spotlight, either. Chastain claims that "he's an acting dog" and that he wants to be a big movie star.

Her theory was cemented by his surprise Broadway debut in February 2013. During a matinee performance of The Heiress, Chaplin decided that he wanted to say hi to Chastain, who was on stage in the middle of a scene. He walked right onto the stage as if he belonged. Not blinking an eye, Chastain simply walked offstage during a beat, knowing he'd follow her off. He came out with her for a bow at the end, obviously.

Chaplin is always with Chastain, and when he's not, she's missing him and showing off his picture. 

"The love of my life is Chaplin."

Awww. Woman's best friend!


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Published by
Jenna Gomes
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