
2018 New Year's Dog Resolutions

It's a new year and that means... new resolutions! If you need some inspiration on your New Year's resolutions, here are some dog-themed suggestions. 

Get Fit

If your New Year's resolution is to get fit - you can include your pup in on this. Vow to take jogs or longer walks together in the upcoming year. It will make them happy and you happy all at the same time. 

Volunteer for Shelters

If you want to help more animals and not just your dog, volunteering is the way to go. Nearly every animal shelter in the country needs volunteers at one time or another. These volunteer duties vary, but can anything from helping with office work to walking adorable pups.

Spend Time Together

No gift is more valuable than your time. This year, vow to spend more time with your furry best friend. Going out to drive-thru to get food? Take your pup along for the ride. Any time spend with you is happy time for your dog. 

Try Out New Dog Parks

You're not the only one who needs to socialize sometimes - your dog does, too. Help your dog make new friends by taking them to dog parks more often or trying out new parks. 

Learn More

You might think you know everything there is to know about your dog or dogs in general, but you could always learn more! Make it one of your goals in the upcoming year to learn more about some aspect of dog ownership.

These resolutions are just a start. Make your own and start the new year off on a high note!

Avoid potty accidents.

Make your dog's potty time hassle-free with Fresh Patch. REAL, farm-grown grass pads that are disposable and delivered right to your door!

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