
A Home for the Holidays

Here’s to hoping all of you had a very merry Christmas and that there were some treats under the tree for Fido!

Thankfully, there was one dog who for sure had a wonderful holiday.  Seeing Eye dogs do a great service to the community, helping their owners do everyday tasks they normally wouldn’t.  However, after a while, these dogs need to retire, just like people need to retire at some point from their jobs once health issues set in.

Marek, a nine-year-old Seeing Eye dog, recently developed diabetes and lost some of his sight.  With his owner unable to care for him because of her sight impairments, Marek needed a new home.

The Seeing Eye is a nonprofit organization in Morristown, New Jersey.  They rely solely on donations to function and have had great success placing Seeing Eye dogs in home with visibly impaired owners.  But they don’t just stop there.  The Seeing Eye helped Marek with his diabetes and helped him regain some of his eyesight.  Right in time for Christmas, they found Marek a retirement home where he can live happily and celebrate his years of work.

You can check out The Seeing Eye here. Kudos to them for not only training dogs and placing them with people in need, but helping their dogs even after they’ve served their duties!

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Published by
Jenna Gomes
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