
New Puppy Training Book by Certified Dog Behavior Consultant Caryl Wolff

Fresh Patch–the maker of the real-grass, disposable dog potty–is celebrating the September 2013 launch of a new book “Puppy Potty Training.”  The book is authored by certified dog behavior consultant, Caryl Wolff, who is widely recognized by canine organizations for her expertise. Information about the new book can be found at:


     To introduce the book to new puppy owners, or those planning to bring a pup home soon, Wolff is offering a special one-day download for $.99 on Thursday, September 5. After that, the book will be available free to those who schedule a training session with her.  The book will also be available for purchase on Amazon at regular price.



     Fresh Patch notes that the first chapters of Wolff’s book address the preparation, place, products, and preliminaries of puppy training. The rest of the book includes a step-by-step program, important pointers, advice on dealing with “accidents,” and other useful information. One chapter of the book addresses the use of various types of potties, with a list of their advantages and disadvantages. Fresh Patch customers will be pleased to know that Wolff prefers Fresh Patch among the potties that use sod or grass.  She notes that Fresh Patch is “fully disposable, eco friendly, absorbs odors, and is delivered to your door.”

     Caryl Wolff has published five other books on teacup puppies and dogs and maintains seven informational websites. The “Dedication” of Wolff’s book is: “For all the dogs who have been given away because no one took the time to train them.”

Avoid potty accidents.

Make your dog's potty time hassle-free with Fresh Patch. REAL, farm-grown grass pads that are disposable and delivered right to your door!

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