
New Year's Ruffolutions

So, that's it! 2015 is about to roll away from us as we welcome 2016 in. (Everyone remember to write "16" whenever you're writing the date!) And with a new year comes those pesky resolutions. Many of us make them,  but only some of us follow them. It certainly gets tough to remember that resolution all year long! So instead of making a resolution this year, make a RUFFolution!

A ruffolution is our made-up word for making a resolution that is dog-centered. Maybe if you make a resolution involving your furry best buddy, then you're more likely to follow it! And, if you make a ruffolution, you're not only helping yourself, but pledging to help your dog, too.

So, here are some suggestions for your New Year's Ruffolution:

Take More Walks - This is good for you and your dog. Many people pledge to exercise more as their New Year's resolution, but making this ruffolution sweetens the deal. Your dog, big or small, needs daily exercise and so do you! So if you vow to take more walks with your pup, you'll both end up benefiting from it. Plus, walking is much more fun when you have your pup at your side.

Read More Into Treats/Food - A lot of people also pledge to eat healthier in the upcoming year, or diet. Guess what? This can apply to your dog, too! Maybe your dog is overweight, and this ruffolution will have you looking into how they can lose weight and just how much they are supposed to eat a day. You could find out that you've been overfeeding them! And if your dog is a fine weight, it would still benefit them if you looked into their preferred dog food. Sometimes going with a more natural dog food, even if more expensive, can benefit them and you in the long run. Think about the vet bills you can save on if you look into the healthiest food and ttears there are.

Enroll Fido in Classes - Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? Is there something your dog has always done, some sort of misbehaving, that you've never been able to get them out of? Or maybe you have a new pup ans aren't quite sure how to train it. Take some classes! It is pretty easy to find a local dog trainer or local obedience classes. Maybe you've always thought about it but never followed through. Well, it's time to! Whether it's teaching your dof not to chew up the pillows or getting them to be friendless with others,  t's never too late to take some classes and make both of your lives easier.

Go Exploring - It's always fun to explore, isn't it? Well, stick to this ruffolution and it'll be fun for you and Fido! Exploring can mean anything from taking adventurous hikes (great exercise) to finding new dog parks (new friends!) This one's kind of open-ended, so you can decide for yourself what "exploring" means. So instead of sitting at home on your day off, grab your furry friend and go somewhere! It'll be fun for them, so of course it'll be fun for you, too!

Volunteer at Shelters - If you don't have a dog, or if you just want to go the extra mile, make this ruffolution! Local Shelters and animal rescues always need extra help, as they are all non-profit. Almost every shelter has a volunteer program where you can dedicate a certain number of hours a week to helping the animals there. Some volunteers clean cages, give the animals food and water, or take them for walks and socialize them! It's perfect if you're animals animal lover and really want to make a difference in an animal's life.

Adopt - And last but not least, adoption. Maybe you don't have a dog or have lost one, or maybe you want your pup to have a new friend. Either way, adoption is the way to go I'd you want to do a good deed and gain a new best friend in the process. The benefits of adoption are endless, and there are so many dogs out there in need of new homes. So, you can make it your ruffolution this year to bring one of those pups in need home!

Happy New Year's, everyone! May your ruffolutions be made and pursued!

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Published by
Jenna Gomes
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