
Happy National Pet ID Week!

As you know, tons of pet holidays happen every month. But April has an entire week dedicated to the importance of giving your pet identification. 

April 17th through 23rd is National Pet ID Week. It celebrates the importance for all pets to have some kind of ID, whether it's on a collar or a microchip. 

Obviously nobody ever plans on losing their pet, but it's always better to be safe than sorry. If, by some chance, you cat or do does get lost, you'll be grateful that you had them ID'd. 

Making sure your pet has an ID is an essential step in making it easier to be reunited with them. 

While dogs are two and a half times more likely to be reunited with their owners than cats, it's still important to get both your dog and cat ID'd. Microchips can be found in animals when they're brought to the vet, but if you want to be precautionary, you should have your pet microchipped and give them identification on their collar. This ensures that even if those who find your dog don't take them to the vet, that they can see the information on their collar.

The information you should include on your pet's ID are your their name, your name, your address, telephone number, necessary medical information, and their veterinarian's name. This is a lot of info, but it will all fit on a microchip. If you want to do a tag, too, stick to your pet's name, your name, and your telephone number/address.

Whatever method you choose, making sure you pet has identification is safer for you and them. You never know when they can get away from you, and properly IDing them will make sure they get right back! So celebrate this week by going out and getting your pup ID'd!

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Published by
Jenna Gomes
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