
Dogs and Airports - Helpful Tips

With November almost behind us and December about to begin, travel is a more applicable topic than ever. When going home for the holidays, we want to bring all of our luggage, presents, and our furry best friend! But travelling with pups can be hard. If you are navigating the airport with your dog, here are some helpful tips.

Know Who Can Go - Thankfully, many pups are now allowed to board the airplane alongside their human friends. The following dogs are typically allowed to travel with you: small dogs, support/therapy dogs, and service dogs. Other dogs must travel in cargo hold, which is a big no-no that should avoid at all costs (it can be dangerous and stressful). 

Give Yourself Time - Remember, lines are longer during the holidays. Add traveling with a furry friend onto that and it means you might need some extra time. Plan on being at the airport about two hours ahead of your flight. If you have a service or support dog with you, check with security on how they should go through. Smaller dogs will go through with you, but their carriers have to go on the belt. 

Identify Potty Stops - Since travelling with dogs is a common-enough occurrence, most airports have specified doggy potty areas where you can take your pup to relieve themselves before or after a flight or during a layover. Make yourself aware of where these are in case your pup has to go and you need to get there quickly.

Have Treats Handy - Navigating airports can be stressful for your pup. Have treats ready to give them when they're behaving so that they know they're doing a good job. If they start getting antsy or barking, give them a nice pet, a yummy treat, and your most soothing voice. 

Be Ready to Answer Questions - Some people might be nervous about flying with a dog. So always be ready to answer questions those around you might have. It's also good to share why your dog is flying with you and whether or not your fellow passengers are allowed to pet them.

Safe travels this holiday season!

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Published by
Jenna Gomes
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