
Recap of the Westminster Dog Show

The Westminster Dog Show is one of the most famous dog shows, and began a little unexpectedly! The dog show had humble beginnings, all starting in 1876. The Westminster Club, at the time, was primarily a shooting club. They sent one of their members over to England to obtain a pointer for breeding reasons. However, the dog, named Sensation was so, well, sensational, that they instead used him as a show dog. From there, slowly, the Westminster Kennel Club was formed and created the Westminster Dog Show.

So now you know a little bit about the history of the dog show, but what about current history? Here's a recap on the results of this year's show, which took place February 13th and 14th. 


Ain't nothin' but a hounddog... the winner of the Group this year was a Norwegian Elkhound named Daggarwood Delight. 


On the opposite end of the size-spectrum, the winner of the Toy Group was the ever-lovable Pekingese, with an alliterative name of Pequest Pickwick. 


The Non-Sporting Group is still plenty active! At least, the winning Miniature Poodle was. With plenty of energy, As If took home the gold for her group.


The ever-regal Irish Setter took home the award for the Sporting Category. Sea Breeze's shiny red coat billowed as he walked like a... well... sea breeze!


The breed with arguably the cutest face of all, the Boxer, won first place in the Working Group. Her name is perfect if she wants to sneak up on peole while they're discussing her win - Speak of the Devil. 


The cute, fluffy, Twice as Nice was the winner for the Terrier Group. The Norwich Terrier is so adorable that you wouldn't believe he's not a stuffed animal!

Herding and Best In Show

The winner of the Herding Group this year was the powerful and regal Rumor Has It V Kenlyn. That's right, she's so awesome that she has a first and last name. This beautiful German Shepherd took home first place in Herding and the Best In Show!

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Published by
Jenna Gomes
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