
September's For the Dogs!

It's September and that means it's time for more pet holidays! Here are the big holidays coming up for dogs this month:

September 11th - National Pet Memorial Day

While this falls on a date in which we're also memorializing those who lost their lives in the Twin Tower attacks, it actually falls on the second Sunday in September every month. So you've got a lot to memorialize on this day. Take the time to remember 9/11 and to think about your pets you've lost. It's also a great opportunity to learn about and memorialize dogs who might have lost their lives in the attacks, as well.  

September 18 - 24: National Dog Week & Deaf Dog Awareness Week

The last week in September gives you a lot to chew on as a dog owner! National Dog Week gives you a prolonged opportunity to celebrate National Dog Day, if you missed it! Celebrate your dog and you dog's friends all week long by giving them extra belly rubs, biscuits, and playtime! 

Deaf Dog Awareness Week stems from Deaf Pet Awareness Week, and spreads awareness about the adoption of deaf animals. celebrates it by showcasing adoptable pets with hearing problems or other special needs that would make a loving member of the family. It also provides resources and education about what it's like to own a deaf dog and how you can help them and make them happy! 

September 19: Puppy Mill Awareness Day

We all know how bad puppy mills can be for grown dogs and pups. It can cause sickness in puppies and can dramatically shorten lifespans. Conditions in a puppy mill aren't good for any dogs, and these are the dogs that are, in turn, sold in pet stores. So you can celebrate Puppy Mill Awareness Day by taking a stand against buying from pet stores and encouraging your friends or anyone else looking for a dog to adopt. 

September 23: Dogs In Politics Day (Checkers Day)

This day gives a nod to famous pups from political families! Use this day to learn a little bit about presidential dogs all the way back from Teddy Roosevelt's terrier to Barack Obama's Portuguese Water Dogs.

September 28: World Rabies Day

We'll post a more extensive post when it comes to this day, because rabies can be scary. Thankfully, World Rabies Day, sponsored by the Global Alliance for Rabies Control, educates people about the symptoms, danger, and prevention of rabies. 

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Published by
Jenna Gomes
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