Puppy Pee Pads

Whether you’re trying to potty-train your newborn puppy, or trying to teach an older dog new tricks, the Fresh Patch real grass pee pad can help you teach your pet ideal bathroom behavior that will work with your time and budget.

Give your puppy the perfect atmosphere in which to potty-train itself with all-natural Fresh Patch training grass pads made with safe, dog-friendly materials. Our pads fit conveniently into any room in the house, and are the ideal solution for shy puppies that don’t respond to other methods of potty-training, or older dogs that lack the mobility they need to go outside. Whatever your situation, Fresh Patch has a fresh, natural solution for you and your pet.

Why Fresh Patch Puppy Pee Training Pads

We created the Fresh Patch disposable puppy potty in order to provide dog-owners with a potty-training solution that is convenient, dog and owner-friendly, and safe to use in any home. We know how much of a hassle potty-training can be, even pee pad training, which is why we’ve worked to make our doggy potties as easy-to-use as possible. Simply place the Fresh Patch doggy potty wherever is most convenient and let the all-natural, hydroponically-grown grass do the rest. Once the pad has been used, throw it away and we’ll deliver a fresh one immediately. You’ll never have to worry about dog messes or odors again!