
Hero Dog of the Year - Abigail

 Dogs perform heroic actions every day, and it's about time we honor them! Every year, Hallmark Channel throws the Hero Dog Awards in order to celebrate the most courageous dogs of the year.

About this ceremony, Hallmark says it's "a moving celebration of our four-legged friends and the innumerable ways they enrich, protect, and save lives every day...often ordinary dogs who do extraordinary things."

So who was the ordinary-extraordinary dog of the year? Abigail, a Pit Bull rescue with quite the inspiring story. Abigail was nominated along with six other dogs for this year's Hero Dog Awards, all in different categories. Abigail was in the Emerging Hero Dog category. Other categories included Service Dog, Military Dog, Therapy Dog, Guide Dog, Law Enforcement/Arson Dog, and Search & Rescue Dog. 

So what made Abigail the top hero dog? It all starts with a very inspiring story. Before rescuers found Abigail, they believed that she came from a dog fighting ring and was abandoned. When they found her, she was missing most of one side of her face. After much time, veterinarians were able to reconstruct her face with skin grafts. 

 Abigail has been named an Emerging Hero because of her shining personality and optimism. Though she went through a harrowing ordeal, Abigail always had a smile on her face. While she was healing, she had gauze wrapped around her head, resembling a bonnet. Despite how uncomfortable this could be, Abigail was always happy and loving.

Who's your dog hero this year? 

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