Questions to Ask Doggy Daycare
The summer can simultaneously be a relaxing and busy time. A summer vacation for teachers and students plus added vacation days for others means that summer can be a prime time for travelling. However, if you can't take your pup with you when you go on your travels, you'll want them in trusted hands. Here are some few questions to ask a potential doggy daycare before you hand your pup over.
How are the dogs separated?
This is an important question because every daycare does it differently - and depending on your pup's personality, the answer might matter. Some daycare separate dogs by size or age, but all can differ. Ask if they have separate play areas for large and small dogs, or if they separate by gender. All of these might matter for your pup and their happiness.
How many dog sitters/workers are there?
Knowing how many employees there are for your pup is important. Even more important is knowing the ratio of dog sitter to dog. For example, one employee to 25 dogs isn't a great ratio - it can cause some chaos. But if there's one employee for every 10 dogs, then you know your dog is being cared for on a more individual level.
Where will my dog sleep?
You'll want to ask this question, especially if your dog is used to certain sleeping habits in your house. Will they be in a crate? How large is it? Do they get a bed to sleep on? Knowing how they will put your dog to sleep can help you prepare your pup for the change in routine.
How is food handled?
Many kennels allow you to bring your own food so that your dog's tummy doesn't get upset. That should be the first part of your question. The other part of this question is where and when the dogs are fed. Are they all fed in the same room at the same time? Or put in individual kennels to be fed?
Will I receive updates?
Even when we're on vacation, we all know we're thinking about our dog. Ask if the kennel will give you updates and how often. Some kennels give "report cards" on your pup's behavior so that you know how they're doing.
How do you handle tension between dogs?
While our dogs are our furry best friends, they might not get along with everyone and vice versa. Ask the daycare about their policies on handling doggy disputes. Do they separate the dogs to minimize tension? How long are they separated for? These answers matter if your dog is picky about their friends.
There are always more questions to ask - just remember to follow your dog mom/dad gut and pick a place that feels right!
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